Running PowerShell Scripts in SQL Agent Using CmdExec

If you have tried to execute PowerShell scripts through SQL Server Agent you may have noticed that the “version” (technically it’s not a version – see the links below for more info) of PowerShell run by the agent is not the same as the command-line PowerShell you may have tested your scripts with. The differences are explained in quite some depth by Chad Miller in his “The Truth about SQLPS and PowerShell V2” post and in his shorter answer to a question on StackOverflow. In brief, in all versions of SQL Server (including 2012), SQL Server Agent runs PowerShell scripts through a sqlps.exe process instead of the powershell.exe we get on the command prompt. Most annoyingly there are core syntax differences which do cause issues when running scripts with SQL Agent over sqpls. For example, if you have a construct like $(), or a Get-Date call, SQL Server Agent will not recognise the syntax and you’ll get a syntax error. It looks like SQL Agent’s Powershell task doesn’t like statements which can be interpreted as sqlcmd ones. Luckily, there is a very simple workaround if we want to circumvent this behavior. All we have to do is save the script somewhere on the filesystem (which SQL Server Agent’s service account can access, of course) and execute it through an Operating System (CmdExec), instead of a PowerShell step:

There we can simply call our script by:

powershell <script>

For example:

powershell “C:test.ps1”

This will execute the test.ps1 script. All we have to do is make sure that the SQL Server Agent account can see the script (permissions) and also that it can read/write to the locations touched by the PowerShell script. This way if you test scripts through the powershell.exe PowerShell environment you will get the same results in SQL Server Agent. And if you want to have the SQL Server cmdlets available, you can load them as a module as described here.