Filtering measures by indirectly related dimensions in MDX

I have lately started visiting the SQL Server MSDN Forums and trying to answer some questions about Analysis Services and Reporting Services. One of the questions about MDX queries seems to get repeated quite often and I will try to address it in this post, so hopefully more people will get to read this rather than ask about it on MSDN.

The actual question takes the form of:
“I have Dimension A and Dimension B, related to Measure 1. Dimension B is also related to Measure 2. How can I (is it possible to) get the values for Measure 1 filtered/sliced by Dimension A. I know it is easy to achieve with a join in SQL, but I do not know how to do it with MDX.

This suggest the following dimension model:

One solution would be creating a many-to-many relationship between Dimension A and Measure Group 2. However, we may want to avoid that for some reason and answer the problem with a query.

We can achieve the desired result in a number of ways but I will discuss the one using NONEMPTY. Others would be using FILTER and EXISTS.

A sample script is:

[Measures].[Measure 2]
} ON 0,
NONEMPTY( [Dimension B].[Dimension B Hierarchy].Members,
([Measures].[Measure 1], [Dimension A].[Dimension A Hierarchy].&[Member_Key]))
} ON 1
FROM [Cube]

What this script does:

1. Gets all Dimension B members, which have associated cells for Measure 1 and the specific Dimension A member (which we are filtering/slicing by)
2. Gets the Measure 2 cells for the set of members retrieved in Step 1
3. Removes members from Step 1, for which cells from Step 2 are empty

An AdventureWorks example is:

[Measures].[Internet Order Count]
} ON 0,
NONEMPTY( [Product].[Product].Members,
([Measures].[Reseller Order Count], [Reseller].[Reseller].&[238]))
} ON 1
FROM [Adventure Works]